Duane Meno

Duane Meno

Amateur zombie geek. Avid coffee aficionado. Proud web trailblazer. Unapologetic food guru. Incurable pop culture evangelist.

47 Author´s Posts
What Estate Expenses are Deductible? A Comprehensive Guide

What Estate Expenses are Deductible? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to estate expenses, there are a number of costs that can be deducted from the estate's income tax or wealth ...

The Three Essential Elements of an Estate Plan

The Three Essential Elements of an Estate Plan

Estate planning is an important part of ensuring that your assets are passed on to your heirs in the way you want. It...

The Most Essential Legal Documents Everyone Should Have

The Most Essential Legal Documents Everyone Should Have

This is a document that tells doctors, medical professionals and family members what treatments you want if you are...

The Essential Components of Estate Planning

The Essential Components of Estate Planning

Estate planning is an important process for anyone who wants to ensure that their assets are distributed according to...

8 Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples

8 Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples

If you were to ask 10 different couples what their estate planning goals are, you'll probably get 10 different answers....

Estate Planning: The Essential Documents You Need

Estate Planning: The Essential Documents You Need

When it comes to estate planning, having a last will and testament is probably the first thing that comes to mind. But a...

What is the reason for estate planning?

What is the reason for estate planning?

Estate planning is important for everyone, regardless of age or wealth. estate planning avoids taxes and legal blockades, ...

Creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating an estate plan is an important step in ensuring that your wishes are carried out and your assets are distributed ...

Components of an Estate Plan: A Comprehensive Guide

Components of an Estate Plan: A Comprehensive Guide

Estate planning is an important part of ensuring that your assets are managed according to your wishes. It involves...

The Three Primary Goals of Estate Planning

The Three Primary Goals of Estate Planning

Estate planning is an important process for married couples to ensure that their assets are managed and distributed...

The Essential Components of Estate Planning

The Essential Components of Estate Planning

Estate planning is an important process for everyone, regardless of age or wealth. It involves creating a plan for how...

Why Estate Planning is Essential for Everyone

Why Estate Planning is Essential for Everyone

Estate planning is an important part of life planning, regardless of age or wealth. It is essential to ensure that funds...

Creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan: What You Need to Know

Creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan: What You Need to Know

Creating an estate plan is an important step in ensuring that your wishes are carried out and your assets are distributed ...

Are Legal Expenses for Estate Planning Tax-Deductible?

Are Legal Expenses for Estate Planning Tax-Deductible?

As a rule, statutory fees for estate planning are not tax-deductible. Estate planning is the process of distributing...

What is Estate Planning and How Can It Help You?

What is Estate Planning and How Can It Help You?

Wealth planning is the process of accumulating, managing, preserving, and transferring assets while taking into account...

What is Estate Planning and Why is it Important?

What is Estate Planning and Why is it Important?

Estate planning is an essential part of ensuring that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes in ...

8 Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples

8 Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples

Estate planning is an important part of ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of premature death...

Estate Planning: What Documents Should You Include in Your Plan?

Estate Planning: What Documents Should You Include in Your Plan?

Estate planning is an important process that helps you ensure your wishes are carried out after your death. It involves...

What are the Four Main Components of a Will?

What are the Four Main Components of a Will?

Creating a will is an important step in ensuring that your wishes are respected after you pass away. A will is a legal...

The Benefits of Estate Planning: 10 Reasons to Create an Estate Plan

The Benefits of Estate Planning: 10 Reasons to Create an Estate Plan

Estate planning is an important part of ensuring that your assets and loved ones are taken care of when you can no longer ...

What are the two parts to estate planning?

What are the two parts to estate planning?

In addition to these parts, you can add things like a trust and even medical instructions. Here are the main components...

Estate Planning: What You Need to Know

Estate Planning: What You Need to Know

Estate planning is an important part of ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass ...

What estate planning means?

What estate planning means?

Estate planning is the process by which a person or family organizes the transfer of assets in anticipation of death. An...

What Should I Gather for Estate Planning? A Comprehensive Checklist

What Should I Gather for Estate Planning? A Comprehensive Checklist

Estate planning is an important part of ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass ...

What Expenses Can Be Deducted on Estate 1041?

What Expenses Can Be Deducted on Estate 1041?

When it comes to filing taxes for an estate or trust, there are certain expenses that can be deducted from the taxable...

The Essential Goals of Estate Planning

The Essential Goals of Estate Planning

When it comes to estate planning, couples have a variety of objectives in mind. From minimizing taxes to protecting their ...

The Essentials of Estate Planning

The Essentials of Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process of preparing for the management of a person's assets in the event of disability or death....

What is Estate Planning and How to Create a Comprehensive Plan

What is Estate Planning and How to Create a Comprehensive Plan

Estate planning is the process of designating who will receive your assets in the event of death or disability. It is a...

The 8 Most Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples

The 8 Most Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples

If you were to ask 10 different couples what their estate planning goals are, you'll probably get 10 different answers....

Creating a Secure Estate Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a Secure Estate Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Retirement plans, such as 401 (k) workplace plans and individual retirement accounts, are an important part of estate...

Creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan: What Elements Should You Include?

Creating a Comprehensive Estate Plan: What Elements Should You Include?

An estate plan is a collection of documents that can help you protect your assets and ensure that your wishes are carried ...

What is Estate Planning and How Can It Help You?

What is Estate Planning and How Can It Help You?

Estate planning is the process of organizing the transfer of assets before death in order to preserve the maximum amount...

What are the Major Goals of Estate Planning?

What are the Major Goals of Estate Planning?

Estate planning is all about protecting your loved ones, which means, in part, providing them with protection from the...

The Essential Components of an Estate Plan

The Essential Components of an Estate Plan

When it comes to planning for the future, an estate plan is one of the most important steps you can take. An estate plan...

When is the Right Time to Start Thinking About Retirement and Estate Planning?

When is the Right Time to Start Thinking About Retirement and Estate Planning?

At Bratton Estate and Elder Care Attorneys, our estate planning attorneys believe there is no specific age when you...

What to consider when estate planning?

What to consider when estate planning?

Write down everything you have and value you can think of. Retirement plans, such as workplace 401 (k) plans and...

The 6 Essential Elements of an Estate Plan

The 6 Essential Elements of an Estate Plan

Estate planning is an important process for anyone who wants to ensure that their assets are managed according to their...

What Are the Most Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples?

What Are the Most Common Estate Planning Goals for Married Couples?

After having worked with clients to develop wealth plans, there are some common basic objectives that are considered....

The Benefits of Estate Planning: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Assets

The Benefits of Estate Planning: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Assets

Estate planning is an essential process for protecting your loved ones and assets. It involves determining how a person's ...

4 Must-Have Documents for Estate Planning

4 Must-Have Documents for Estate Planning

A comprehensive estate plan is essential for ensuring that your wishes are met and that your loved ones can navigate the...

What is the Purpose of Estate Planning?

What is the Purpose of Estate Planning?

Estate planning is all about protecting your loved ones, which means, in part, providing them with protection from the...

The Most Important Decision in Estate Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

The Most Important Decision in Estate Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

It's essential to make the right decisions when it comes to estate planning, such as whether to use a will or trust. But...

The Essential First Step in Estate Planning

The Essential First Step in Estate Planning

In your will, you name an executor who will have the power and responsibility to pay your debts and distribute the rest...